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After the sudden death of Lord Anders Yronwood in 391 A.C, there was no clear heir to Yronwood Castle. The family intended to gather to discuss the issue, since next in line were both Yorick and his twin, Yoren. Both brothers arrived late to the meeting, and the discussion went long into the night.

Before dawn the following day, men smuggled in by both Yorick and Yoren were stalking the castle, fighting in the ancient halls. Ser Olyvar Yronwood was murdered in his bed, with both sides placing blame on the other, and after two days Yorick forced Yoren and his men out of the Castle. He held his brother’s children hostage, in the hopes that it would discourage any attempt to claim the seat. Yoren’s men would proceed to make camp outside the gates, and stop supplies from reaching those inside.

Within two months, he would lie dead, slain by Yoren’s own son, Benedict. So it went on, each branch holding the seat for a few months before being forced out and beaten, Yronwood killed Yronwood (One particular brutal death was that of little Meria Yronwood, who was butchered and fed to her kin.). From a stable and strong twelve family members, only four remained by the end; Lady Obara, Archibald, Dorea (married to Prince Calon) and Gavin, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

After eighteen months of bloody slaughter, Dorea Yronwood, Princess of Dorne and wife of Prince Calon Martell, (in one of the only instances of her asking for his help) asked her husband to intervene. No one is entirely sure why the Prince acquiesced to her request, but Martell troops soon arrived at the ancient seat to bring order. Benedict Yronwood, after taking the seat for himself three times, launched one last mad charge at the enemy, now bolstered by Martell troops. He and his men are cut to pieces.

Due to Archibald’s young age, and the need for stability, Obara was proclaimed Lady of Yronwood at the age of six-and-ten.
